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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest


KHARTOUM, May 12 (SUDANOW)—The Transitional Military Council (TMC) has seized power in Sudan for the main objective of securing a safe exit to the symbols of the regime of which they were part until the last moment, said Al-Fatih Jabra in his regular column that was published on Aljareedah daily newspaper of Sunday.

The columnist cited a number of examples confirming his argument which he said could not be contested, indicating as one of those examples the insistence by the TMC on holding the majority in the forthcoming authority.

Regardless of the outcome of the current negotiations between the representatives of the people and the TMC, it cannot be argued that there is not a single individual of the Sudanese people who believes that the TMC is bothered with the people's concerns or that its objectives include the removal of the corrupt regime and trial of its leaders, Jabra said.

Among the examples given by the columnist included the presence of   the Chief Justice who was appointed by the deposed president who is still in office (removed on Sunday- editor) and who has recently, according to Jabra, has formed a committee to interrogate a number of judges for staging a procession in support of the sit-inners by the Army headquarters and the delegation of the ousted regime who Jabra said are  still in Washington negotiating the removal of the name of the Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

He also pointed to the presence of the ambassadors of the extinct regime in foreign countries, naming the Islamist one who is in charge of the Sudanese embassy in Morocco who the columnist accused of asking the Moroccan authorities to investigate members of the Sudanese community there on expressing solidarity with the upheaval in Sudan.



Columnist Al-Tayeb al-Mikabraby lamented in a column that appeared in Al-Akhbar daily newspaper of Monday an administrative vacuum presently being experienced in the Sudan in absence of ministers needed for running the affairs of the government, leaving the matters to the under-secretaries and directors.

The country has been experiencing this repeated administrative vacuum for more than two years at the ministerial level, said Mikabraby, pointing to three successive short-lived governments before the ouster of the regime of dictator Omar al-Beshir.

The Sudan is still living this vacuum since the downfall of the defunct regime for nearly a month with the Transitional Military Council (TMC) apparently at a loss and  incapable of doing nothing and is busy in a dispute with the Declaration of the Freedom and Change Forces (DFCF) over which side would hold the majority in the sovereignty council, the columnist said.

He noted that the queues in the gas stations returned even longer than before and so did the bread shortages and the difficulties still exist in getting the cash from the banks and their affiliate ATMs, while the TMC and DFCF unable to settle their dispute over the power shares without showing any concern with the hardships the people are experiencing.



Columnist Shamail al-Nour devoted her regular column that was published on Altayyar daily newspaper of Tuesday to suspicions over the arrest of the symbols of the unseated regime of dictator Omar al-Beshir.

She said the suspicion was raised by permission of the Transitional Military Council (TMC) to journalists for visiting those symbols in Cooper Prison to make sure that they are behind bars.

Shamail reasoned that the suspicion among the public was raised because the TMC since its first speech of seizure of power has shown a noticeable sympathy with the defunct regime as, according to the columnist, was clear in statements by TMC member Omar Zain al-Abdin in defense of the leaders of that regime and, moreover, the TMC has never fulfilled a promise of publishing a list of the arrested symbols.

She raised another question on the failure of arresting the senior leaders of the notorious National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) as, according to the columnist, NISS former director Salah Gosh is still free and so is his deputy Jalal al-Sheikh who swore among his relatives that it was he who had led the change.

Shamail said, however, that the important question is not whether those leaders have been arrested but the most important one is to take them to court.

She described as absurd a decision for interrogation of addict murderer Omar al-Beshir over charges of laundering of money and financing of terrorism, rather than leading for 30 years a gang for committing crimes of undermining a constitutional regime and destruction of the state in addition to premeditated murder.



Columnist- chief editor of Akhir Lahza Osama Abdul Majid, writing in his regular column that appeared in his newspaper of Wednesday, reviewed the present political relations between the Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the Freedom and Change Forces (FCF), particularly over a constitutional document the latter submitted to the TMC.

He pointed to remarks made by the TMC spokesman, Gen. Shams al-Dinn al-Kabbashy on the document which he said included a number of shortcomings, including skipping the sources of the constitution (Islamic Sharia and traditions) besides phrasing weaknesses which, according to the columnist, were admitted by FCF members Sadek al-Mahdi and Omar al-Digair who both said the document was prepared in a hurry.

The columnist advised the two sides to refrain from announcing their positions in public press conferences and to discuss the provisions of the proposed constitutional document behind closed doors and to avoid trading statements which he said lead nowhere, except to misunderstanding and making the gap between them further apart.

He said a common ground is needed to be reached by the TMC and the FCF, noting that the latter until now would not admit that the change was made by the TMC which has repeatedly stated that they are authentic partners with the DFCF.



The Transitional Military Council (TMC) insist on meeting with petty parties, publicly nicknamed fakkah (change) parties, which have recently displayed a disgraceful show when they altercated with hands and chairs in a commotion at a meeting with the TMC in the Friendship Hall of Khartoum.           

Writing in Al-Sudani daily newspaper of Thursday, Lina Yagoub questioned the wisdom behind a meeting of the TMC with those insignificant parties whose leaders, instead of exchanging opinions in polite way, quarreled against each other in a show that terminated the meeting.

The columnist also questioned the reason that made the TMC believe

that it is capable of achieving accord among all components and groups, including such insignificant fakkah parties which tend to terminate discussions in an uncivilized way.

She said the TMC announced they wanted to be familiar with political viewpoints of all groups of the Sudanese community and for this reason, they invited the fakkah parties which until the final days of the defunct regime were calling for reelection of the recently deposed dictator Omar al-Beshir for another presidential term in 2020.



Columnist Hassan Warraq says it is a mistake to believe that the Transitional Military Council (TMC) supports the people's revolution that has toppled their unseated leader Omar al-Beshir for whom they still observe allegiance, commitment and respect.

Writing in Aljareedah daily newspaper of Saturday, Warraq said for this reason the TMC members had to secure Beshir's safety to the point that everyone suspected his arrest as nobody was sure that he saw the deposed president arrested in shackles like what he used to do with his opponents.

He said until now the TMC has not taken against Beshir any action that would satisfy the families of the martyrs who were killed by the overthrown dictator throughout the 30 years of his rule during protests and in the civil war zones.

It was was not expected to have provided an opportunity for the generals of the army to seize power, said Warraq adding that it was the duty of the army only to protect the civilian protesters.

Any person will be mistaken if he believes that the TMC would transfer power to the civilians but, instead, it would pave the way for a counter-revolution by the free leaders and opportunist supporters of Ingaz, using the "shade" battalions of the Sudanese Islamic Movement (SIM) and the money of the rich Islamic Martyrs Organization, said the columnist.

He indicated that the TMC is planning a conspiracy against the revolution by rallying Ingaz supporters, followers and Islamists (Abdul Hai Yusuf) for the counter-revolution, citing a meeting arranged by the TMC with the NCP-satellite political parties in the Friendship Hall that ended up with altercation that was called the "battle of chairs".

Warraq predicted that the TMC would continue procrastinating and conspiring until the end of the deadline set by the African Union Peace and Security Council (APSC) and will then announce organization of elections, as was threatened by its spokesman, so as to provide an opportunity to the already well-organized to retake power.




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