
Floods And Torrential Rains

Floods And Torrential Rains

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) – Floods and torrential rains have devastated vast areas in central Sudan last week, and the calamity was felt in Gaili, Wad Ramli, Wawesi and Abu Tilaih villages, just a few dozens of kilometers north east of Central Khartoum, and a stone throw from the juncture of the two Nile, leaving hundreds of families homeless and in need of emergency assistance. Again similar tragedy hit the White Nile State, south east of Khartoum and Kasala State, east of Khartoum inflicting heavy losses and washing away homes and properties.

This small girl in Gaili area is caught in the catastrophe and its aftermath, home gone, family bewildered and play ground inundated for months to come. The child girl is a replica of hundreds of similar cases of children in the various regions, particularly those closer to the two rivers, the Blue and the White Nile. The security and untarnished pattern of life vanished, where she used to peacefully play and live, had all of a sudden knocked down, rendering her homeless.

Official estimates put the total number of flood victims at 54, with over 194,000 injuries. Tens of thousands of houses have been completely or partially knocked down; livestock perished and vectors spreading in the affected areas.

The newly sworn-in Prime Minister Abdulla Hamdok initiated his official time table by a meeting with the roads and bridges corporation and paid field visit to some of those badly affected regions.



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