Weekly Press Columns Digest
30 November, 2021
KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The press columns this week were awash with the highly controversial and divisive agreement between the Army chief and military coup leader General Abdelfattah Alburhan, and the embattled Prime Minister Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, according to which the latter returned to his office as Prime Minister without the rest of his cabinet members.
Advocate Mohammad Ahmed Abdelgadir, writing in the electronic publication Alrakooba (the Shack), struck a comparison between the Constitutional Document that continued to rule the transitional period until the 25th of October military coup of General Burhan and the signing of this Burhan –Hamdok ‘Political Agreement.’
The Constitutional Document was the outcome of intensive consultations between the forces of the revolution represented in the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the then Military Council, while this agreement was concluded between the leader of the defunct-regime–backed military coup and Mr. Hamdok, who was languishing in house arrest, while the Sudanese public was unawares about what was going on.
The size and membership of the first Sovereignty Council was decided according to the Constitutional Document, while the number and form of this Sovereignty Council was determined by the coup leader, Burhan.
According to the this “Political Agreement”, signed by Burhan and Hamdok, the military became leaders and members of the Sovereignty Council after being haunted by the crime of the bloody breaking of the sit-in around the Army H.Q in June 2019. That is why they (the military) worked to hamper the democratic transition. But now they returned to their same positions, haunted by more criminal accusations: the breaking of the sit- in plus this military coup and the ensuing killings and atrocities in recent days.
The Constitutional Document had authorized the Prime Minister and his cabinet to achieve the tasks of the transitional period without any interventions from the Sovereignty Council. Now the “Political Agreement” has made of the (military) Sovereignty Council a supervisor of the implementation of those tasks.
The “Political Agreement “has re-named the killings and atrocities committed at the sit-in as “incidents” whereas they were named “violations” in the Constitutional Document.
At the beginning of the transitional period Mr. Hamdok returned from abroad amidst all sorts of celebrations and honors to assume his office as Prime Minister, while now he was brought from house arrest to sign this agreement after which Burhan cancelled his decision sacking him. Then he was made to assume his office as prime minister.
This tenure begins with the military surrounded with a more supporters: the rebel movements, supporters of Bashir’s defunct Bashir regime who have now come to the surface, the Israeli ((Musad)), the Egyptian General Sisi etc.., while Mr. Hamdok has returned to his office in fear, waiting for a power base that includes the military component in the Sovereignty Council, the tribal chiefs and the Sufi (mystic) sects!!!
Under the title “Don’t Wrong Hamdok! The Revolution Continues!” wrote Mr. Najeeb Abdelraheem in the daily journal Aljareeda (the Newspaper):
Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, the icon of the Sudanese Revolution, should not be accused of treason and that he has sold out the Revolution when he signed the Political Agreement with Burhan without consulting others. The electronic publication Alrakooba had reported on 23 November 2021 a contact between Hamdok and the designate chairman of the Umma (Nation) Party Fadlalla Burma Nasir, Mr. Haydar Alsafi from the Republican Brothers Party and Mr. Hassan Mohammad Zain, the Chairman of the National Unionist Party, all the three of them members of the Central Council of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), who told him (Hamdok) that the FFC had approved of talks with the coup leaders, also telling him the FFC would approve any agreement he (Hamdok) would conclude with the military.
This is a reaffirmation that Hamdok had implemented what his power base (the FFC) had communicated to him, given the fact he had been completely incommunicado for about a month, completely unaware about what was going on the political scene.
We are with the revolution and its forces wherever they stand. They are right to continue with the protests to achieve their demands. But we should not be unfair with Hamdok and issue him a hasty ruling that he has sold the Revolution. This man has borne a lot of harm during his premiership of the transitional government that saw a lot of conflicts and struggles for government positions. He was subject of an assassination attempt he escaped miraculously. Nevertheless, he did not resign, nor did he run away, but continued to work, exerting a huge effort to remove Sudan’s name from the U.S list of terrorist countries, did quite a lot in international debt relief, regardless of the problems and crises that surrounded him both from his civilian aides and, in particular, from the military elements in the Sovereignty Council who overstepped their prerogatives, became political players and tended to control everything. All the economic, political, peace and other dossiers become under their control. In addition to that, we have seen the child play and ambitions of the war lords who allied themselves to the military after the (Juba Trade Treaty), wrongfully called The Juba Peace Pact.
How can a man who tolerated that much for the Revolution and the country, who has no power over the military nor a militia to protect him and even the police force was not part of his portfolio and had fallen into the grip of the military, betray the Revolution?
The ball is now in Hamdok’s court, having complete liberty to form his new government.
We want him to arrest the murderous criminal military who committed the Army H.Q massacre in 2019, the massacres of 25 October, 13 November and 17 November 2021 and bring them to book. We want him to order the security not to face the peaceful processions with the weapons of suppression and murder.
We look forward to see the merger of the Rapid Support Forces, those of the armed former rebel movements and the rest of the armed militias into the Sudanese Army. We want to see the Sudan Police Chief sacked and the police force, that failed to dispense its duties, restructured.
We want a total commitment to the Constitutional Document and to see all the decisions issued on and after the 25th of October annulled.
We want to see a lot of change or else we will throw that “Political Agreement” in the dust bin, never mind the costs. The Revolution continues and the roads of Sudan never betray the protesters!
On the issue of the circumstances surrounding the military coup and the ensuing results of the return of PM Hamdok to his office, also wrote Dr. Hamid Fadlalla in the electronic magazine Sudanile:
The divisions inside the Revolution’s political and power base (the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC)), the personal and partisan ambitions and the delay in the formation of the Legislative Assembly (the parliament), added to the dire economic situation, had caused the public and the Revolution’s youths to lose patience, giving the military the chance and the justification to clamp down on the Revolution.
All the failure has now been heaped on the shoulders of Mr. Hamdok, accusing him of treason, being a hireling and a servant and representative of the World Bank.
All of this is but an attempt to justify the failure of the FFC. These have now to first look at their faces, instead of looking at Hamdok’s face.
To say that the Hamdok-Burhan Political Agreement is a victory of the military component in the Sovereignty Council that allows them to tighten their grip on the structures of the government is an imprecise judgment. The military had failed to appoint a new prime minister. They could not overstep Hamdok. By that the Emirati- Saudi-Egyptian design to push Hamdok out of the premiership has failed. If the Arab camp thinks it can play with our Revolution, we, with our solidarity, can play with this camp also, by foiling its designs, which it will try once more.
Burhan had thought he, through identifying with the Arab camp and believing its false promises, would rule Sudan. But the Sudanese have taught Burhan and this camp a lesson and foiled its dreams.
Hamdok has now returned stronger. He can impose his views upon the military, cashing on the impetus of international (Western) solidarity which will not stay for much as long as we do not get rid of our differences.
The FFC has to exercise self-criticism, put aside its differences and sit down with Hamdok and back him against the military.
The country’s interests first. We should work with Hamdok to pick patriotic, highly qualified cadres, to take part in the government.
The Abdelwahid, Alhilu, and the Sudanese Communist Party’s bloc should step down from the platform of spectators and engage with the FFC and others to solidify the civilian alliance.
The transitional period is limited and the political parties and the other civil society groups should head towards their masses and benefit from the atmospheres of democracy and press freedom to enlighten the masses and make ready for the watershed era: the general elections, the establishment of democracy and civilian rule and the securing of liberties, through our new constitution.